Hi all! I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend and enjoying every last bit of it until Monday arrives
(dun-dun-dun!). As for me, I've been trying to reorganize the house (...keyword
trying) a bit while Robert is taking a 4-day course to become a certified court mediator. A little cash during law school is always a plus! Not to mention, it's a pretty good resume booster as well. Experience + cash is always good in my book! I really do enjoy cleaning once I get in "swing" of it, it's just actually getting in there and deciding to tackle the whole ordeal that gets me. I enjoy the outcome, but deciding to put in the work is another story. Which brings me to my next point... p90x! Ahh yes... the box came last week and I officially let it sit on the counter for 5 days as it ominously stared at me while I walked past it to the glorious homemade chocolate chip cookies. Sigh... Knowing exactly what was in that little brown box I told myself that once I opened it, it was on. No more complaining, no more excuses, and sadly... no more chocolate chip cookies. That being said, the scary little brown box is going to be opened Sunday night, for a fresh start Monday morning. I have to admit, although I know I
need to do it, and in all truthfulness I really
can do it, I'm still a bit scared. I want this to be something I finish. Really and truly, 100% finish. So often I find myself starting things like this, then just letting them fall to the wayside... eating a cheat meal and skipping a day here and there until "just this once" turns into "it's been 3 months, I should really start back up, but I'll finish the Oreos first." No more half-assing it
(pardon the expression...)! 3 months (90 days) from now put me right New Year's Eve. Instead of making a New Year's resolution to do be fit, I want to have a head start; to be able to see pictures of myself from New Year's Eve and be proud of how I'm starting off 2011 (a little cheesy, I know, but true). Soo... if any of you have done (or are doing) p90x, I'd
love to hear from you! Any advice/encouragement is greatly appreciated!

Goodnight y'all! :)
I hear wonders about the P90X I bought the insanity workout....have you ever heard of it? It's by the same people who make P90X and it's a killer! It's a great workout that I did in the winter at home since there was NO WAY I can do a winter marathon! I am a FL girl and always will be! Let me know how it goes!
Go Joanna!! I've heard insanity is the next step up from p90x. I've also heard that it's, well, insane! haha. I soo admire you for doing it! I'll definitely let you know how it goes. My goal for the week is just to not completely die! Winter marathons are definitely killer... and I can only speak for the half I did here in February. That was waaay cold enough for me!! Thanks for the support! :)
I've never tried P90X, but I've heard it's amazing. I started my training last night, (I also have a goal to be FIT by New Year's), so we need to keep each other motivated!!
I didn't say I completed it though! haha! It's a 60 day thing I like to kid around and call it the P60X ha! yea lemme know! I hate running races in the cold weather....NOT fun!
P90X is awesome. I've done Insanity as well. Phewww. Crazy cardio. Love the idea of not waiting until the 1st of the year to get started.
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