Friday, August 6, 2010

Food for Thought!

Hi ya'll! Okay, let me start out by saying that I honestly try to maintain a "glass half full" outlook on life and really try to stay positive at all times... so, I'm apologizing in advance for my rare moment of negativity. I know a lot of you may disagree with me on this, but I'm going to go out on a limb and just say how much I can't stand the whole "Jersey Shore" ordeal. Good Lord! I mean, the whole concept just drives me crazy... the cast, the over-dramatized lifestyle, the "glamorized" sleeze factor, and most of all... the dreaded "pouf." Don't get me wrong... I'm ALL for an Audrey Hepburn, Carrie Underwood classy pouf. Scratch that... I LOVE an Audrey Hepburn, Carrie Underwood classy pouf. After all, I am a southern girl who will wholeheartedly confess to my love affair with my $49 bottle of hairspray, but when the "pouf" itself is bigger than the actual size of your head it starts to get a little ridiculous. Most importantly, I don't like the message this show (...along with 90% of the shows on MTV) is sending out to all those young(er) viewers. So many pre-teen and teenage girls are seeing these people in magazines and on TV growing up accepting such a lifestyle as "okay." This really scares me... I mean, where is Boy Meets World, Saved by the Bell, Full House, and the Cosby Show? I know this completely makes me sound like my mother (yikes!), and I know a large amount of such exposure is highly dependent on parenting, but the truth is that it's out there and kids are going to be exposed to it to some degree (small or large) no matter how much parents may try to keep their kids away from it. Sigh...

Okay, enough of my ranting! On a happier note, this weekend we're celebrating RK's brother's 26th birthday. A group of his friends (who also happen to be our friends, which is always convenient!) have come in town for the party and I'm so excited to everyone! Since college and "grown up jobs" we don't get to see each another nearly as much as we'd like, so I'm definitely looking forward to what the weekend holds. Anyone have any fun plans?!

Lastly, I'd love to get some opinions from ya'll... For the past 7 months or so I've been in search for a new "everyday" purse. Purses have always been one of my splurge items, mostly due to the fact that they get so much abuse from my daily life. :) Lately, I've had my eye on this little beauty below. What do you think?! Oh, and just so you know... I know I've only been blogging for a short bit of time so I know most of you don't really "know" me yet but I'm not the kind of girl to be easily offended by an opinion, so feel free to let the truth fly! :)
Okay, off to bed now... early 5am run in the morning! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Goodnight ya'll!


Star said...

I agree!! I hate the NJ Shore and I'm proud to say I've never watched it. But I am sick of hearing about it on the news, magazines, and TV.

Kristen @ All In My Twenties said...

LOVE THE Purse and Carrie Underwood!!!

Ms. Dutton said...

Thanks ladies!! Star, me too... They're all over the place! Kristen, I love Carrie too! She's absolutely gorgeous. I ordered the purse last night. I decided I couldn't be without it any longer! ;)

Candice Lynn said...

Glad to see you ordered the it.

I also hate Jersey Shore. I have friends that think it's hilarious but it just gets on my nerves.

Cute blog! Got here thru the comments in A Day in the Life :)

Ms. Dutton said...

Thanks Candice!! I get so excited every time I see new comments and followers! :) Glad you found me!

Jessica said...

Love the purse, so cute! I totally agree with the TV situation, I sometimes think about buying all of the seasons of shows I used to watch to give to my kids some day... wondering what TV will evolve to by then.. yikes! :)

Ms. Dutton said...

Thanks Jessica!! Such a great idea... My boyfriend's little sister (who is 10) asked for the DVD set of The Cosby Show for her birthday and I thought that was sooo great! I wanted to buy every show I could for her! I feel like all the shows today are completely devoid of all the lessons and morals that were in the shows we used to watch. Sad! :(

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

Love the purse and Carrie!

Great blog; happy I found you!

Mary xo
Delightful Bitefuls